ReBiz Operations Suite

Improve operations and compliance in every store, every day.

Rebiz Impact: Clients Talk Real Results


Popular Operations Trackers

Get the daily reports to make data-driven decisions, have better coaching
conversations and take action confidently.

Employee Monitoring

Want to ensure that employees and managers are working when expected?
Afterall, you’re paying them and customers need the help. ReBiz tracks employee on-camera hours so that they can be compared to work schedules.
A consistent source of accountability usually takes care of the bad apple behaviors, buddy punching and more.

And for managers? Check out our recent research on the Impact of Manager Presence on Store Performance.

Store Monitoring

Hate hearing that you weren’t open, especially through online reviews by frustrated customers?
The Store Hours Tracker verifies your actual opening and closing times every day with supporting evidence. No more stopping for a breakfast burrito and being 23 minutes late!

“When clients start tracking this and following up, we usually see a little resistance to the truth. But after a few weeks of calmly showing the proof, employees adjust and store hour compliance improves significantly.”

~ Leah DePinto
Head of Customer Success

Compliance Checks

Wish you had a consistent way to make sure policies are being followed?
The Compliance Tracker is flexible and can check a multitude of things 3 times per day in every location. Pick from current favorites or talk to the team about your key policies.

Popular Checks

Custom ReBiz Trackers

Have an idea for something you would like to track in stores?
We have built custom trackers for everything from retail to car washes to airports to construction sites and more. Talk to solutions engineering this week!