The Turn of the Mobile Industry

The retail mobile industry faces many different challenges when it comes to day-to-day operations.

However, these challenges aren’t impossible to manage.

With the different solutions provided by ReBiz, any mobile retailer can thrive.

True Traffic Count

The first question you need to ask yourself is if the traffic in your store is the true traffic count. Are you accounting for your employees? Your repeat customers? The delivery people? All of these non-customers may make your conversion rates look much lower than they are.

ReBiz’s camera vision software Datacam accounts for your non-customers in your traffic counts. So you’ll have a clearer view of how your store is performing based on the traffic.

Management Optimization

Since Datacam is able to account for your employees, you’ll be able to identify who your top sellers and who your top converters are. This allows your business to measure performance levels so you can uncover missed opportunities.

Speaking of employees, you’ll see how much downtime they have. Using this information, you can adjust store hours, employee shifts, and how many employees are needed at a given time.

Also, you’ll be able to see if the set up of your store helps with sales. You might notice that your big-ticket item is stored in the corner and nobody is buying it. Once you see this, you may be compelled to move that item to the front of the store.

Customer Retention

An issue many retail stores face is that customers may not come back in and buy more. Being in the mobile industry, you’re familiar with marketing campaigns and surveys.

Retento, our retention management software, helps you engage, retain, and grow customers. You’ll be able to create marketing campaigns and then instantly connect your offering with customers.

Also, Retento lets you create surveys so you can unlock ideas, trends, and patterns that will improve your day-to-day operations.

Financial Data

Day-to-day finances bring about an abundance of information and, sometimes, errors. Lucky for you, Virifi is here to help.

Virifi is powered by data matching software and human insight. You’ll be able to go over your finances for the day in less time since Virifi will analyze all of your financial data.

If you need ways to optimize solutions for your retail mobile store, contact ReBiz today to find out more!