Top Ways to Convert Your Shoppers into Buyers

Attracting new customers is only half the challenge. The other half is to turn those leads to sales. That, my friend, is the tricky part. So, where do you begin?

We’ve answered all your questions:

1- Focus on Buyer Behavior

It’s important to understand why customers don’t buy. In-store analytics help you understand the conversion pattern. The biggest issues are long queues, poor customer service, and poor merchandising. Datacam gives you real data to work with. Let’s say you run a promotion at different store locations, how do you analyze the performance of each store? Get a comprehensive performance report for each sales rep, traffic count, and profits.

2- Schedule Your Best Staff at Peak Hours

Is your best rep working during the busiest hours? If not, you’re missing out on a better conversion rate! Datacam helps you analyze the performance of each employee. This helps you schedule your best-performing employees at peak hours, and also opens up training opportunities for other employees.You’ll notice a higher conversion rate with staff scheduling done right.

3- Set Up Conversion Targets

That’s right. Setting up goals is important if you want to move up the ladder. Your conversion rate depends on your store’s performance. One store might be doing well with a 30 percent conversion rate, while the other might be under-performing with 8 percent. You’ll need real traffic data and true KPIs to set practical goals for each store. Datacam helps you see what your sales reps are capable of, how much opportunity is available, and how each rep can influence their store’s conversion.

Here are some common FAQs regarding traffic counts and their answers:

Do Employees Throw Off the Conversion?

Non-customer traffic has quite similar patterns. Let’s take the example of a clothing retailer. If you have four employees at your store, they would have similar patterns of leaving the shop or coming in. This is pretty static every day. Conversion tracking doesn’t count these static patterns. So no, non-customer traffic doesn’t affect the conversions.

Is it Possible to Make Fair Store to Store Comparisons?

This can get a little difficult. Retailers have to be careful with comparisons. For example, conversion rates are lower in malls because they attract walk-through traffic, while at strip center stores customers are more likely to have a solid motivation for their visit.

Follow Through

Knowing the buyer behavior leads to conversion patterns. Tracking this data is a great place to start, but the information is pointless if you don’t act on it! You’ll be able to make changes for the better by taking that data and following a specific plan. Each store’s conversion patterns are unique, so targets must be set accordingly. By using a detailed tool like ReBiz’s Datacam, you’ll see the reality of your store’s success.