Understanding Your Customer Journey

Understanding Your Customer Journey

It may be difficult to understand your customers’ journeys. You may not understand why they spent an hour in your store, put things in their cart, and then walked out of the store without the cart.

The question now becomes, why? Why did they decide, at seemingly the last minute, that they weren’t going to use your products or services?

That’s what you need to figure out.

What is the Customer Journey?

According to Survey Monkey, “the customer journey is the complete sum of experiences that customers go through when interacting with your company and brand. Instead of looking at just a part of a transaction or experience, the customer journey documents the full experience of being a customer.”

Visually, it’s like a roadmap showing how a customer becomes aware of your brand and their interactions with your brand.

Why is it Important?

Understanding your customers’ journeys is crucial for your business. Visualizing it like a roadmap, you’ll gain insight that includes:

  • Helps you see where customers interact with your business
  • Focuses the business on particular customer needs at different stages
  • Identifies if the journey is in a logical order
  • Gives an outside perspective on your sales process
  • Shows the gaps between the desired customer experience and the actual one
  • Allows you to concentrate on what matters most to maximize effectiveness

How Can Your Staff Improve Their Customer Journey Knowledge?

When your staff is on the floor they can’t analyze every customer interaction they have. Sometimes it’s difficult for them to see if there are any unattended customers or keep track of the average interaction time.

That’s where Datacam comes in. Datacam is proprietary software that turns your store’s cameras into analytical tools to help your business increase sales and improve efficiencies.

By utilizing Datacam, you’ll be able to see the outside perspective of your sales process, the gaps between the desired outcome and the actual one, what to concentrate on going forward, and more.

This software allows you to analyze your missed opportunities and address them when necessary so your customers have the best experience.

If you have more questions about Datacam and how it can help you understand the customer journey, reach out to a sales rep today!