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After weeks, and in some places months, of restrictions in response to COVID-19, businesses are preparing for the end of widespread lockdowns. Those who have continued business throughout the crisis have had to constantly adapt to new information and changing requirements, while those who have endured closures have had some room for planning. The shutdowns...


What is ReBiz? ReBiz is a solutions company that confronts real-world problems through data intelligence and is based in Cleveland, Ohio. In other words, we are rethinking business analytics that work the way you do. Here is what we do for you: Connect with your data to uncover the truth about your company, from the performance of...


Datacam Is a proprietary software that turns your store’s cameras into analytical tools to help your business increase sales and improve efficiencies. We provide accurate data that allows you to see the ins and outs of your business even when you are not there.   Datacam breaks down information in 3 ways: 1. Data Accuracy...


Why You Need to Retain Customers Customer retention is essential to your business and you should know why: You’ll spend at least 5 times less on customer retention than customer acquisition Returning customers account for almost a quarter of retailers’ revenue, but only make up 12% of the total customer base Repeat customers spend 15% more in...


Figuring out how many customers come to your store is extremely important and has the potential to provide many insights. There are many types of people counters available to you. Let’s learn about their placements and how they work to make sure you get an accurate count. Overhead Counters Overhead people counting sensors are mounted...

Reinventing how you make data-driven decisions

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